We have taken incredible steps not only develop this product but also make sure we can keep ahead of any potential issues down the line for our customers. We have tested extensively on multiple vehicles, different trim variants of that vehicle and even purchased an Ultium development vehicle for long term support. That being said there are some things you should be aware of when purchasing this upgrade and while they are sort of no brainers we want to document them here so everyone is on the same page.

Warranty: Based on decades of actual real life experience there should be no impact to your vehicles warranty. This upgrade doesn’t change the operation of anything that could break your vehicle or cause any issues with other modules etc. It’s not like tuning an ECM where you can blow up an engine or cause transmission damage etc. Worst case scenario we believe is possibly (and it’s a stretch!) the warranty on your radio module could be voided but in the thousands of upgrades we’ve done for other vehicles for decades we literally have NO instances of anything like this happening but again we want to be transparent that there is some risk here no matter how finite.

Servicing: Servicing vehicles with this modification does require a little bit of common sense. Dealers should not service the radio module. We recommend you have the radio module updated as well as the vehicle wide programming (to update all modules) completed prior to ordering. Should a dealer wish to run the vehicle wide programming AFTER this modification the radio fuse should be pulled, the vehicle wide programming completed and the fuse reinstalled. If/When major radio updates are released we will provide guidance on applying them to make sure you get the newest patches and features while retaining CarPlay/Android Auto.

Updates: As of this writing there have been NO OTA updates that would interfere with or remove this upgrade. This upgrade also will not cause an OTA to fail or any other issues related to the OTA process, we have had many development vehicles get OTA updates without issue. If/When major radio updates are released we will provide guidance on applying them to make sure you get the newest patches and features while retaining CarPlay/Android Auto. We are not naive enough to think there is no chance of a dealer or OTA update removing our upgrade so we have committed to a simple $50 fee per instance to reload your unit should it need it.