G8 Onstar / VCIM Module Service for Bluetooth Integration




WAMS is proud to announce its ship in service to assist G8 owners in retrofitting Bluetooth in to their G8’s. This one of a kind service allows you to send in a salvage Bluetooth module and we:

-“Re-green” the unit to make it usable in another vehicle

-Reprogram the unit using our custom setup to allow it to retrofit into a non 2009.5 G8

-Update the software to make the unit plug and play (no wires to cut)

You will need to press the blue OnStar button and tell them your dealer replaced the unit. OnStar will hopefully relink the account to the newly programmed unit and it will work flawlessly just as your old unit did. OnStar is by the day becoming more reluctant to activate these units even though they have the ability after the is done. We obviously cannot guarantee a third party will do anything so the only thing we warranty on this process is that it will be plug and play for the bluetooth portion of this service. Please see our terms of service for more information on this portion of the process as it can be tricky.

PLEASE NOTE: This service is ONLY available for GM Part # 25984444, 20783877 and its supersedent 20827036 these are the ONLY modules that will work properly in a G8, we will NOT work on any other units for the G8 application.We DO NOT SUPPLY VCIM units!


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