Our WAMS2U service is designed to bring one of our programming benches directly to you in your own vehicle. Services where this is an option will have a delivery method selection between “Ship In” and “WAMS2U”. Ship in being the traditional remove module and send it to us method. In order to make sure you have the best experience possible with the WAMS2U method the following guidelines are HIGHLY recommended.
- A Windows 10 laptop if possible, with preferably at least 8gb of memory, 150mb of disk space free and a known properly working USB-A port.
- An ethernet cable running back to your networking gear/router etc. Or a Wi-Fi access point near the vehicle in the garage or outside where the vehicle is. The hardwire method is ALWAYS preferable as it ensures no issues from Wi-Fi such as low signal, high latency or your computer roaming between access points dropping the connection.
- Make sure your power settings do not allow your computer to sleep during the programming event as well as making sure the battery is fully charged and has sufficient life to support up to one hour of operation without issue. Ideally you should have your laptop connected to power and NO sleep of any kind activated in the power profile.
- For advanced users please make sure “UPnP” is enabled on your router/networking hardware.
- Your “scantool” needs to be a *GENUINE* GM MDI1 or MDI2 (MDI2 ONLY for Global B applications). We have found one clone in testing that so far seems to work very well and will support that unit but that’s it. You can find a link to that unit HERE along with a special VIP price for our customers. We do still highly recommend the genuine tool if it all possible
- Your MD1/2/Supported Clone needs to be connected via USB to your laptop and then to the vehicle.
- You will have a preset appointment time that we will work out together VIA email after you receive your Scantool (or if you already have one you can proceed to contact us immediately). To start this process, use the contact us page and select the “WAMS2U Scheduling” Include your order number for reference please.
- Programming is available at the standard rate included with your purchase from 9AM-5PM Eastern time. After hours and Weekends may be available for an additional fee; contact for specific availability.
- We will send you a link to download the software and specific token on for you to use for this process.
- We will communicate with you VIA the chat function in the software we are using with instructions but generally speaking:
For Global A vehicles: You will need the scan tool (MDI1/2/Clone) connected to the ALDL/Diagnostic port under the dash. Once that is complete turn the vehicle in to RUN mode. This can be accessed by holding the start button without touching the brake pedal for a few seconds until everything comes to life. Once this is done let us know in the chat.
For Global B Vehicles: Same as above however you will leave the IGNITION OFF! Global B vehicles cannot be programmed with the ignition on in any capacity.
- Once we have completed programming and confirmed it to you via the chat function you are welcome to disconnect and shut the laptop down; everything is finished.